Issue with AR App: Make it Native Cant Open Camera - Possible Babylon.js Problem

Five months ago, I built a simple AR app by following the instruction of Mendix. I haven't changed anything since then. Today, I tried to test the app again. The app is running, but the 'Make it Native' app cannot open the camera and gives the following error: Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 0):TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'BabylonModule.initialize') The same issue occurs when I try to build another AR app. I also deleted the NativeMobile and NanoflowCommons modules and redownloaded them, but the problem persists. It seems to be related to the Babylon.js library, which I am encountering for the first time. My configurations: Mendix Studio Pro version: 10.0.0 Make it Native 9. Moreover, I tried to run the starter AR app offered by Mendix itself, but currently it is impossible to run AR native apps in any Mendix versions above 9.24. For all Mendix versions capable with MiN 9, they give the following error: Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 0):TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'BabylonModule.initialize')@ For Mendix versions capable with MiN 10, app never starts, always in loop ('crafting' or 'starting') as I explained in my previous message. Moreover, I analyzed the problem a bit deeper and figured out that the source of problem is related with Container(AR) widget which comes with Native Mobile AR module.  Does anyone can run the simple AR starter app in Make It Native?  
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