Exclusion of records

I have a entity which has a attribute "Level" i.e enumeration. That enumeration has various levels like Level- 1, Level- 2 and so on till Level- 9. I want to write a logic as if I choose Level for example Level - 3 then Level -2 and Level- 1 should get excluded and only values greater than Level- 3 should be carry forwarded. How can I achieve this ?
1 answers

So if I understand correctly you want based on the selected enum filter the list of objects to show. Use a non persistent helper object with the enumeration in it. Show the helper object so the user can select the right enum. Then use an on change action with a microflow where you model out the retrieves. Use a decision to check which enum is selected. And based on the selection do an XPath retrieve with the or option to retrieve the right subset. Or if you want to make it easy do for each enum a seperate retrieve and combine the lists before you return them. And do not forget to put an index on the enum so the retrieves will be fast.



