Using Mendix as only REST API and implementing frontend in modern web frameworks

I would like to know how we can use Mendix as just REST API server, and implement frontend in any of the modern web frameworks. All the communication btw client and server will be JSON responses.   I know how to expose database entities through REST resources, major doubts are around: How licensing works for this use case? How to handle users authentication & authorization? (like use JWTs?) How to handle user roles? I know Mendix provides all of these by default if we use Mendix for frontend too, but I want to explore this use case.
1 answers

This can be done, and we have customers that are using mendix in this way. Licensing is the same as for normal Mendix use. User authentication and authorization can also be same, for tokens/jwt authentication you can have custom logic using headers to validate the tokens and map to a mendix user. Roles is also the same.

Fastest way to create APIs for your data is OData REST, this will create REST APIs will full CRUD capabilities, and filtering, sorting, pagination, and nested responses. As of 10.14 Mendix also provides an experimental feature to use the same OData REST APIs using GraphQL. For more details see:
