What happens if the database is created by an install program?

Please find the following question by one of our partners: The database is created by the Mendix Business Server on start-up (if it not already exists. Does the Mendix Business Server: Need to run on the database Server? Modify the registry on the database server? Create any files on the database server? Modify any SQL Server configurations? Modify the system databases? - Create any jobs on the database server? Install any software on the database server?
2 answers

I think mendix just changes your tables in the database by queries and has no right to do anything else.

  • Need to run on the database Server? - No you could just connect to the database by setting the connection settings
  • Create any files on the database server? I don't think so
  • Modify any SQL Server configurations? I don't think so
  • Install any software on the database server? I don't think so

The registry and the system databases (directly) will not be modified and no jobs will be created. However, for SQL Server one piece of software will be added to the server, the .NET library Mendix.SqlServerExtensions.dll, see https://world.mendix.com/display/Howto/Configure+SQL+server+to+activate+localized+dates.
