Authenticate Mendix Rest API through API Token

Hi All, Currently external Apps are able to access our Mendix API through Generic account and password. For the security purpose we are planning Implement Authentication through API Token . I think we can implement this though Module OIDC SSO , But its supported in Menidix 9.8.1 or higher ..We are currently using version Mendix 9.6.10 Please lets us know if there is any other way to implement the functionality to authenticate mendix API through API Token
3 answers

Hi Girish,

I would strongly reccomend you to update your app and jump to the latest LTS version for Mendix 9 as your version is not properly maintained anymore. (You can find more information about the different Mendix Versions here).


Is there a specific reason why you cant jump to a higher version? Else that would be the easiest fix.


With best regards,



Hi Girish,

you can use oauth for authenticating via token by any of below modules 

Mendix Marketplace - OAuth

Mendix Marketplace - OAuth 2 Authorization for APIs - example


OIDC SSO module indeed allows your API implementation to validate the OAuth Access Token / bearer token.

This works both for Access Tokens that were obtained via SSO Authorisation Code grant (SSO) or through Client Credential grant (i.e. client app acting on it's own behalf).
