How and where can I set the proxy for /link path for the deeplink module on a prodcution environment? I have changed the ManagedFusion.Rewrite.txt but this doesnt work and I am not sure whether that's the file that should be changed. The tab/window with the deeplink shows 404 but when I go back to tab/window with the client running and refresh then it opens the form which deeplink was supposed to open. Update: In the Service console under application constants I have set the deeplink constant value to index3.html. When accessing a deeplink the client loads just fine with the correct theme however not for the login form!! But if I want to log in normally the client wont load (no error) - must have something to do with the renamed index file
1 answers
You can set index3.html as default by editing the default document in de IIS6 web site properties, see this