After editing and saving an object I get direct to hompage, how to stay on same page?

I have an object (employee) and when I view and edit the object on my Overview page, I get directed to my home page after clicking the save button. The changes are saved correctly, but I want to stay on the same page and object after saving. How I can achieve that?
3 answers

Daniel has one option..... the other is to define a custom "Save" button that does the saving and does not have a Close Page action.

See it like this:

if you use the standard Save button the system "under the hood" executes the equivalent of a COMMIT, followed by a conditional CLOSE PAGE (as per what Daniel points out).

a custom SAVE button allows you to have the system preforming more tricks.


Whether the page is closed after clicking a save or cancel button can be configured with the 'Close on save/cancel' property of the data view.


Hi Shahbaz, Mendix is not actually redirecting you to the homepage, rather the history of Mendix navigation works as follows:

  1. You login
  2. The homepage is shown
  3. You open another page and edit the object on that page
  4. Once once you click save it will close the page and since the homepage was the previous page which is essentially hiding behind the earlier opened page, it will reappear.

If you would have followed the following steps the result would be different:

  1. You login
  2. The homepage is shown
  3. You open another page with perhaps a datagrid of objects
  4. From that datagrid you open a new full content page and edit the object on that page
  5. Now if you save/cancel that pages object edit the datagrid page will be shown.

Of course with a custom save action linked to a microflow you could also just open another page in that flow. But essentially the close action works sort of similar like the back button in your browser.
