Email Connector Issue

Hello,   I recently upgraded from Email Template to Email Connector. I deleted the Email Template module from the app and I deleted all of the required Email Template files in the userlib. However, I still got the error below when I tried to send an email using Email Connector. Does anyone know a solution to this problem?    an error occurred in the SendEmail java action : class com.sun.mail.handlers.text_html cannot be cast to class jakarta.activation.DataContentHandler (com.sun.mail.handlers.text_html and jakarta.activation.DataContentHandler are in unnamed module of loader com.mendix.container.deployment.internal.Interpreters$ClassLoaders$$anon$1 @6179e425)   Thank you!
1 answers

Hi Christina,


This looks like you have probably have conflicting jar files (javax.mail jar file, jakarta.activation-2.0.1.jar, javax.mail-1.6.2.jar, activation-1.1.1.jar, and commons-email-1.5.jar.EmailTemplate) in your userlib exposing the same classes, but those classes are not compatible.


Have you upgraded to Email Connector from Email Template for example, and not cleaned out your application's userlib? 


I would suggest going into the userlib folder and removing all duplicates you can find, keeping just the versions with the highest revision numbers in the filenames. Also, remove any .jar that are from old modules (javax.mail-1.6.2.jar, activation-1.1.1.jar, and commons-email-1.5.jar.EmailTemplate) that are no longer in use.


Hope it Helps!

Thanks & Regards,

Manikandan K

