Cant start mendix app

I had a running application(mendix service console) which now doesn't start as there was a planned change in the MS SQL DB server. Now here is why: earlier the DB was running on something "not on an instance" so I gave the DB server hostname(e.g. in my DB settings also giving the DB schema name. Now at the DB server side, the DB seems to be running on an "instance", so starting the app leads to error saying "the xxx DB doesn't exist, do you want to create it. Yes/No option" The DB admin says I should now give the hostname as\HMDR or \HMDR:1433 etc etc) If I give this, the service console throws error saying connect timeout. so this is a simply wrong endpoint(if I am allowed to say it) I also saw various posts saying, enable the TCP/IP setting to Enabled in SQL Server. And it is indeed set correctly at DB side. Any valuable comment based on your experience is highly appreciated :)
1 answers

Ganesh, I think you need to set up the database connection in the service console as follows:

Host: (or your host name)
Name: HMDR\DatabaseName

The Instance is part of the database name, not part of the host name.
