Hello Everyone, I am trying to create a Microflow would show a string in specific entity like, I gave 'Hello' sentence in that create variable it would show automatically in the specific entity in new edit, please give some idea how to do. Regards, Swetha
swetha Raja
2 answers
Your entity Analysis must have an attribute of type String. Change the object Analysis in your microflow by setting this String attribute to the desired value. You do not need to create a variable to do that.
Thorsten Biehl
HI Swetha,
Create a New Microflow.
Create Variable:
Add a Create Variable action.
Set the value to "Hello".
Create Object:
Add a Create Object action for the entity MyEntity.
Change Object:
Add a Change Object action.
Select the created object and set the MyString attribute to the variable containing "Hello".
Show Page:
Add a Show Page action.
Select the page you want to display the new entity on (ensure the page is designed to show the MyEntity).