Extra line item created

Hello everyone,   I created a serial number separated by rows using commas, split function but it is creating the extra line before split the numbers, it is creating like all the serial numbers in that line, please give some idea how to clear that line.
3 answers

Hi Swetha,

     As per my understanding you're tried to create a seriel number as list For eg: If you enter 1, 2, 3, 4 means it should create a separate object of Object1 = 1 and Object2 = 2, For this your should not commit the Inspection parameter which you have entered 1, 2, 3


Does Your Original Inspection Object get deleted after this Microflow? 

what is the Datasource for your List?


Hi Swetha, 


A bit of a weird answer perhaps, since it doesn't solve your problem immediately, but since this is done in a microflow you have the chance to debug it and see where this extra entry is added. 

Hope you can solve it this way


KR, Jurre
