Pivot Table widget is not working in IE Browser with Mendix Modeller 4.7.1

Hello, I am using Pivot table widget v 1.2.1 in my Mendix Modeller version 4.7.1 and its working fine in Chrome but not in IE... I cannot use other version of Pivot Table as that was the latest version of Pivot for my Mendix Modeller. Any changes you suggest to display Pivot table in IE Browser.
2 answers

Well you could try to update the widget to a later version, if you have backed up your widget file before (copy it from your widgets folder). Which IE version do you use? Microsoft has dropped all support for IE <11 and so do we.


Hello J, Yes finally the new version 3.0 is released in the App store today. It is still waiting for approval but will be there this week. – marco groenenberg (2016-07-19)Delete this comment
