What do the values of the property edit location on datagrid buttons mean?

I see the following properties on the edit location property of the new and edit button of a datagrid widget: Popup InlineAtTop InlineAtBottom ModalPopup Content What do they mean?
1 answers
  1. Popup: A new window opens with the form to enter your object's data.
  2. Modal popup: The same as a popup, but there is layer add over the background to prevent the user from navigating away.
  3. Content: The current form is replaced by the form to enter your object's data in one (!) window.
  4. InlineAtTop: Can be used in combination with inline editing a new object is created at the upper line.
  5. InlineAtBottom: Can be used in combination with inline editing a new object is created at the lowest line of the same page.

I hope this are useful definitions of the properties.
