CSS error 404-error

I already asked this question but did not get a real answer only where to look. // Font Family Import $font-family-import: false; @import url($font-family-import); Where at mine it looks like // Font Family Import / Google Fonts - Roboto $font-family-import: 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto'; @import url($font-family-import); These are the errors 404 - file not found for file: styles/css/lib/false 404 - file not found for file: styles/css/custom/false
2 answers

Hi Jesse,

Fortunately the error is not a blocking issue and you should have no problem running your app. We hope to fix this issue in the framework this week. We created this bit of code to support our Theme Creator and make it possible to use the Google Font API.

For a workaround you can remove or comment out the import font-family part when you are not using a custom font. Do this for the custom_variables.scss file in your custom folder and in the base/variables.scss file in the lib folder. After recompiling the errors in your CSS files should be gone. If you do use a custom font you shouldn't be seeing any errors in the console.

You can also remove the import line from your CSS (custom.css & lib.css )manually to get rid of the error if you don't want to compile your theme.

Example commenting out import custom_variables.scss:

//== Typography
//## Change your font family, weight, line-height, headings and more (used in components/typography)
// $font-family-import:     false;
// @import url($font-family-import);

Example commenting out import base/variables.scss:

//== Typography
//## Change your font family, weight, line-height, headings and more (used in components/typography)
// $font-family-import:                    false !default;
// @import url($font-family-import);

I might be mistaken here but I thought that the syntax was something like:

@font-face {
    font-family: 'YourFontName'; /*a name to be used later*/
    src: url('http://domain.com/fonts/font.ttf');


