Working example of E-mail module on Mendix

Hi There, Please can someone kindly upload a working example (Video/Tutorial) on how to use the e-mail module from the app store. I have tried to follow the link below but am stuck on point 2. I have read on previous questions that the documentation is outdated. I urgently need to be able to send out e-mails from mendix. Thank you kindly
7 answers


Not sure if I am working with an older version of the module or not, but in EmailTemplates, I see the following snippet:

Administration Snippet

I think this snippet has everything administrative you need to use this module. Settings is where you set up what server you're connecting to. Templates are email templates that will be used to generate email messages. The other tabs show you queued and sent emails and a log. If you add this snippet to a page, I don't think it will require an entity to be passed to it.

You can see examples of microflows that generate and queue emails in the USE_ME | _Examples folder

Using this snippet and those example microflows, you should be able to get emails working.




You'll need to call a microflow to send out an email. As a starting point, you could look at IVK_SendEmail microflow in the EmailTemplate module. This microflow uses a template, settings, attachments (if any) and tokens (if any). Tokens provide the ability to substitute attribute values from an entity into your email template, i.e. customer name, order id, etc.

This Document walks through the whole process.

Have Fun!



Step 2 is about setting up the Forms you need to configure the email settings.

The MxModelReflection.MxObjects_Overview form is needed because you will have to run the MxModelReflection synchronization in step 3.

The other 2 forms are for email configuration. All the forms you need are already in the MxModelReflection Module or the EmailTemplate module.

Once you have completed Step 2, you need to build and deploy before you can go on to step 3.

Please describe in more detail what is causing you to be 'stuck''?


Thank you for responding Richard. My objective is to be able to send out an e-mail from Mendix. I have downloaded the following: MX ModelReflection Encryption E-mail module with template

i was able to add in the overview page the encryption pages had a navigation layout problem which i managed to fix.

At point 2

  • Add a new item to the Navigation for Administrator to access EmailTemplate.IVK_OpenEmailSettings. i don't see this anywhere in the email module. I did however find a snippet for e-mail settings and when i attempted to use that on a page with a data view, i get an error stating an object needs to be passed on the target page. ??

  • Add a new item to the Navigation for Administrator to access EmailTemplate.EmailTemplate_Overview. i don't see this anywhere in the email module.

Kindly advise the way forward. I'm new to this environment.


Hi Mike,

It appears to be a different version. I'm using 5.3.1 I have added the email settings snippet to a new page on a data view. I'm trying to add the email template on a new page and get an error - the target page contains a data view that needs an object of type EmailTemplate,which is not passed.


HI Mike. I have downloaded the e-mail module again and I now see the administration snippet. I have configured the SMPT successfully. I did send out a test e-mail successfully. Just confused now. I have created a new template. Where do I actually go and send out an e-mail?


hi mike what does the following mean - the target page contains a data view that needs an object of type Email, which is not passed![alt text][1]
