Rrun all unit test cases on start of application

Hello, As part of continuous integration we would like to run all Mendix unit tests automatically after every build. I tried to run all the unit test cases by calling the java action "UnitTesting.StartRunAllSuites" during startup but its not working (Application not starting). The same microflow works fine on the click of a button after startup. Please advice how I can get to run all unit test cases during startup or if there is a better way to run them after every build. Thanks
1 answers

Generally you after-start-up is not a very good place to run your CI tests. You cannot debug the after-start-up and you have to run your tests every time, even when you are just doing a quick restart.

Depending on how much time you want to invest you might consider a script that uploads your build to your test environment automatically and then calls the CI microflow as a web service. The Mendix Cloud Portal has an API for uploading mda's that you could use for this. That would require a lot of customization on your end though.
