dynamic form title

Hi, does anyone know if it is possible to add a dynamic title to a form? I'm trying to use an attribute from a selected row in a datagrid to provide the title for a particular form. I've tried a few things both on the form "title" and edit button "form settings" properties, but I can only see whatever text I have entered (whether it has '[' or '$') to retrieve data as if through xpath. Microflow ShowForm has same result, so the solution is not there. If there's a way to provide a dynamic title, please let us know. regards, Luis.
1 answers

As far as I am aware off, this is currently not possible. You could leave the form title empty and create a table (one row) at the top of the form. With CSS you can style it according to your desire. And if you place the form inside a dataview you can then use a field as part of your title - which means that depending on what record you have selected in the datagrid the value of that field will correspond.
