Does Pivot Table widget work on Mendix 6.4.1?

Hi, I am currently using Mendix 6.4.1. I am getting a blank page when I add Pivot Table Widget. I see that Pivot Table widget v2.4 supports Mendix 6 version. Has anyone tried the widget on 6.4.1 version?
2 answers

Edit: I got tired of waiting and seeing questions on my stuff go unanswered so I took my GitHub fork and made it compatible. It is not in the appstore yet but you can take the mpk here:

Just drop it in the widgets folder of your project, replacing the one already there and you should be fine.

I tested on Mx 6.5.1


Hello , Yes finally the new version 3.0 is released in the App store today. It is still waiting for approval but will be there this week. – marco groenenberg (2016-07-19) Enjoy the widget!
