Problems with X-Path Constraint unexpected results

I have Staff objects that have a Status of Active, Out-of-Office, On Vacation etc. Tickets get assigned to Staff Members, and I only want tickets assigned to staff who are available, so there is an X-Path Constraint on the referenceSelector of [Status = 'Active'] This works fine in limiting the list of people who the ticket can be assigned to. However, I have an issue with existing tickets when a staff member goes Out-Of-Office, for example. When you open the ticket assigned to this person, they are no longer a valid assignee, and the ticket then fails to load properly (it gets to the Assignee referenceSelector field then loads nothing further. You cannot save any changes to the ticket, even if you assign it to someone else, because other referenceSelectors lower down the form have not been loaded. Is there any way around this issue, both to apply the constraint I want when initially assigning a ticket, but without stopping the ticket being edited if the person's Status subsequently changes?
2 answers

The proper way to handle this situation is to use a microflow source instead of a constraint in the dropdown. This avoids that the form does not load properly (although i suggest filing a ticket for the fact that the form does not load properly). The MF should retrieve all items which are active, or referred to by the current object:

Retrieve //Member[Status = 'active' or Assignee = $yourTicketInputParam]


I have submitted a ticket about this, and it has saved, but gave this error during the save operation:

'Error while migrating the ticket to MxQA. Please consult an admin with this message. Encountered unexpected HTTP response code (503) after calling webservice at'
