checkbox set selector refresh

I have a edit form with a dataview with entity A, on this form is a reference selector in form of a drop down which allows the user to link entity B to entity A. Based on the drop down selection I want to display reference set entity C using the checkbox reference selector. The correct data is being displayed however it is greyed out and cannot be checked/unchecked. Only after a manual client refresh the data is editable. it seems like the refresh is not working 2 levels down the association. Entity A -> reference -> Entity B -> reference set -> entity C. any help Update: The problem is caused by the first association to be initially empty/null. If I create a reference between A and random B. Then everything works fine, until someone selects blank option from the reference selector drop down. Only a save or manual form refresh makes it work again
3 answers

Hi Karol,

I've reproduced the problem.

I'll do a quick check to see if I can find a solution.

Edit: Problem found. Give me a minute to build a work-around.

Edit2: Fix is now on the AppStore as version 2.0.1. It now uses a 'Readonly' attribute if you want to have it as readonly.


Can you put the reference set selector in a (nested) dataview of entity B and refresh B?


Can you put the reference set selector in a (nested) dataview of entity B and refresh B?
