Run Locally Error

Hi, I'm following the Online Training and today I want to try my app with the option "Run Locally", but I have this error: Mendix.Modeler.M2EEConnector.M2EEException: The server encountered an error. at Mendix.Modeler.M2EEConnector.M2EEResponse.CheckSuccess() in C:\jenkins\workspace\AppStudio-Modeler\src\Mendix.Modeler.M2EEConnector\M2EEResponse.cs:line 57 at Mendix.Modeler.M2EEConnector.StartupManager.PerformStartup(StartupInfo info, IM2EEClient client) in C:\jenkins\workspace\AppStudio-Modeler\src\Mendix.Modeler.M2EEConnector\StartupManager.cs:line 27 at Mendix.Modeler.M2EEConnector.RuntimeController.Start(StartupInfo info, LogLevel autoSubscribeLogLevel) in C:\jenkins\workspace\AppStudio-Modeler\src\Mendix.Modeler.M2EEConnector\RuntimeController.cs:line 130 at Mendix.Modeler.Utility.BackgroundUtil.<>cDisplayClass1_0`1.<do>b0(Object s, DoWorkEventArgs e) in C:\jenkins\workspace\AppStudio-Modeler\src\Mendix.Modeler.Utility\BackgroundUtil.cs:line 28 at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e) at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(Object argument) What is c:\jenkins...? I don't have this directory. Thanks for the help.
3 answers

Jenkins is our build server (where the source code is being build). And for your issue, did you check the error logs? My assumption is that you have the port block because you have another instance running. The easy way is to close down all your application that might using the port.

Good luck!


Look in your console. You might find a M2ee error. Double click on it. You can see which DDL commands failes. Rename the autonumber field. When that does not work, rename the association.

(For me this problem only occurs only when i run the model locally. In the cloud i don't have any problems. )


Or clean the deployment directory and try again :)
