Tokens are empty (filled) in emails sent

hi guys, In our app we send each user an activation link per email and we make use of the emailtemplate module. We synced the objects with MxReflection to use for tokens. In the MF i retrieve the emailtemplate, and give the object needed for Sub_CreateAndQueueEmail. Emails are sent. But the email tokens are empty, the tokenNames {%1%}, {%2%} are also not visible. The other static text is also visible. Thought maybe that it could be a rights issue but did not find remarkable something. anyone an idea?
3 answers

hmm, seems like you may be running into some issues with user management. In my first reading of this question, I didn't realize that $customer is inherited from administration.account. Is it inherited from administration.account?

From what you've said, the tokens are being replaced successfully, because you don't get an error. They are just replaced with empty values.

One thing you could try is creating a separate entity (non persistent?) with 2 attributes: name and activationlink. Put name and link values in a new instance of that entity and pass it to the email process to see if the tokens are replaced successfully. This entity won't have the potential security and management constraints of the user entities that come with Mendix user management capabilities.


I found it guys, it is the DataObject on the java action: ReplaceEmailTemplateToken. This should be the same as the configurated object!


Hi Mike, thank you for your replies!

Actually it is not an object inherited from account, entity with its own attributes.

Yes, the tokens are replaced with empty values otherwise the tokenNames would be visible right?

I did what you proposed, made a non persistent entity in the same MF and filled 2 attributes and changed the tokens of emailtemplate, but unfortunately the tokens were still empty...

could it caused by:

1 - because it is local/sandbox (i dont think so neither)

2 - security vs module then still not right
