datagrid button visibility

Is there any way to hide or disable the data-grid buttons based on Boolean or enumeration of selected Object?
3 answers

Well what you can do is design custom buttons with your own microflows. I have done something similar, you pass through the selection check a boolean if true continue with the microflow otherwise display a info pop up and end microflow.

This is the only way. Simple button settings for visibility only exist for user roles.


I found out a workaround solution for this issue as following: adding empty data-view of the same type of the data-grid and listen to it which only contains 2 buttons where I can hide them according to Boolean or enumeration as usual. but I have an issue, - if we can affect the editablity (to be disabled) rather than visibility,It will be better to keep the space of the button in case one button is displayed and the other one become hidden


You could also duplicate the datagrid and put them both on Conditional Visibility. Works best if you want only 2-3 different sets.
