Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Deployment

Hi, I am busy deploying my first project, and battling... I've installed JRE6 SE, .Net Framework 3.5.1. I've created the directory D:\Applications\ProjectName\ with the sub directories Application, Logs and Mendix. I've set up security in my application. I've copied the model and web directories to the ProjectName directory and created the data directory with the two sub directories. In the Mendix service console, I set the values: Common Configuration: Project Path: D:\Applications\ProjectName\Application Mendix Path: D:\Applications\ProjectName\Mendix Log Path: D:\Applications\PrjectName\Log Java Path: C:\Project Files\Java\jre6 Database Configuration: Type : SQL Server 2008 Host : MyHostServer Name : EmptyDB integrated Security : True When I start the service, I get the java.lang.ClassNotFoundException. I have tried numerous other settings as well, keep on getting the same error. Please help. Kind Regards Frikkie Chalmers Truworths South Africa
5 answers

I just installed the JDK, changed my java directory path from the console to look at the JDK's directory and I still get the same error.


You said: I've copied the model and web directories to the ProjectName directory. That is not correct. Have you copied the model and web directories to the project path: D:\Applications\ProjectName\Application?

Have you done the following step (copied from documentation):

Go to the installation folder of the Modeler. Mostly this is the location C:\Program Files\Mendix\2.5. Copy the subfolders 'runtime' and 'server' to the Mendix folder that you have created above.


Hi Jonathan,

Sorry about the confusion, yes I have copied it to the D:\Applications\ProjectName\Application directory. I have also done the step specified in the documentation where I copy the runtime and server directories from the Modeler's installation directory to the D:\Applications\ProjectName\Mendix directory.

The complete Error Message that I am getting is:

Error : The Server failed to start. See details for the server log. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mendix.core.MxRuntime at$ at Method)...

Regards Frikkie



Thanks for all your help yesterday. I am trying to figure out now, in everything I did, something fixed the error. Will post the answer when I figure it out

Regards Frikkie


Do you have a JDK installed? Please use the JDK instead of JRE.
