I just installed the JDK, changed my java directory path from the console to look at the JDK's directory and I still get the same error.
You said: I've copied the model and web directories to the ProjectName directory. That is not correct. Have you copied the model and web directories to the project path: D:\Applications\ProjectName\Application?
Have you done the following step (copied from documentation):
Go to the installation folder of the Modeler. Mostly this is the location C:\Program Files\Mendix\2.5. Copy the subfolders 'runtime' and 'server' to the Mendix folder that you have created above.
Hi Jonathan,
Sorry about the confusion, yes I have copied it to the D:\Applications\ProjectName\Application directory. I have also done the step specified in the documentation where I copy the runtime and server directories from the Modeler's installation directory to the D:\Applications\ProjectName\Mendix directory.
Error : The Server failed to start. See details for the server log. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mendix.core.MxRuntime at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:202) at java.security.accesscontroller.doPrivileged(Native Method)...
Regards Frikkie
Thanks for all your help yesterday. I am trying to figure out now, in everything I did, something fixed the error. Will post the answer when I figure it out
Regards Frikkie
Do you have a JDK installed? Please use the JDK instead of JRE.