Google Analytics - AdvancedPageTracker Dimensions

Hi, I've got Google Analytics working, with a master page tracker in the template, and an advanced page tracker on a page. However, when I'm passing the dimensions across, it only seems to be picking up the "name" of the dimension and not the data within it! Can anyone see what's wrong please? Executing Google Analytics commands. analyticsdebug.js:9 Running command: ga("set", "dimension0", "Keywords") analyticsdebug.js:9 Executing Google Analytics commands. analyticsdebug.js:9 Running command: ga("set", "dimension1", "PostCode") analyticsdebug.js:9 Executing Google Analytics commands. analyticsdebug.js:9 Running command: ga("send", {hitType: "pageview", page: "/RS/marker pen/B27 9bh/6miles/Permanent", title: "RS-marker pen-B27 9bh-6_miles-Permanent"}) In the advanced page tracker, I have the name of the dimensions set to dimension 0 and dimension1, with attribute, MyApp.SeachCriteria.Keywords and MyApp.SearchCriteria.PostCode (both of which are valid). Have I missed out something, perhaps it needs an event tracker to go with it, or is it something simple, like a .toString? Edit: By the way, I know the MyApp.SearchCriteria.PostCode have something in them, as I'm using them as attributes in the top part of the advanced page tracker to form a custom URL, which comes through correctly. Thanks Tarique
1 answers

I believe this issue has been fixed in this version:
