Documentation in Mendix Business Modeler

Is there a way to print out all the documentation that I've given to my widgets in the Business Modeler? In my case I want to get all the documentation of a meta model. That is very useful for communication and documentation purposes. Let me give an example document of a metamodel 'CRM' that contains a object "Invoice". Objects: Invoice Invoicenumber - "My documentation about invoice number" Description - "My documentation about description" e.t.c. Edit: If it's not supported in the Modeler, can JAVA to the job?
2 answers

At the moment there is no easy way to collect all documentation from the metamodel. If you are fluent in SQL, you could perform a query on the Modeler database to extract this data. However, a more friendly way to generate a documentation overview would be a nice feature request.


In what kind of structure would you like this print? It is now possible to document nearly everything in the modeler (from attributes to xml-mappings).

A simple dump of all this documentation wouldn't be helpfull for the communication purposes I think...
