Displaying changedBy/System.User/Name in datagrids

I'm trying to display the username of the user who changed a object. I use the system association changedBy but nothing is displayed. When I check the access rules of System.User, I see that users are only allowed to see there own Name. Editing the access rules is not possible for the System module. So I tried another way, namely with a virtual (microflow) attribute. The plan was to retrieve the changedBy association with the setting apply entity access to false. But it's impossible in microflow to retrieve system associations :S. So I'm out of my options, and hope someone have an idea! N.b.: Framework version 2.5.1
3 answers

You can replicate this functionality by creating a string attribute (ChangedBy) for the object that changes, then use microflows on (for example) save buttons that retrieve the current user (System.User [id = $currentUser]) and submit the user's name to the ChangedBy attribute that you created.


Can't you retrieve the association in a Java action ?


@BAS: I tried, but that didn't work. I get the exception:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The given member name 'KSO.changedBy' has no corresponding member in this object of type 'KSO.WijkgemeenteGebied'


So it seems to be impossible yet.
