Object Can not be retrieved.

I currently have a problem with Object retrieval. When we create an Object of our Entity Account and then cancel, our form doesn’t close, while every ‘close on save/cancel’ in each of our data views has been set to true. Following, I check the Console for errors and I get the following Warning: Object with the following id couldn't be retrieved: '[MendixIdentifier:: guid=0 objectType=System.Image objectTypeHash=0 dataStoreCode=0 objectStoreId=0]' There are no microflows linked to the creation of the object. We had already checked the forums for a similar problem, but found no solution. Forum post Link: https://community.mendix.com/questions/914/Object-with-the-following-id-couldnt-be-retrieved Currently we are at one of our customers and have no clue how to resolve this problem. Modeler Version:
1 answers

Do you have a stacktrace or an idea what triggers the error? The 'guid=0' is strange. Do you encounter any 404's in firebug?
