UPS web service integration issue

Hi, When I try to integrate the UPS wsdl to track parcels, Mendix gives me this error: Type of element '': This sequence element is nested and optional. This is only partially supported in import mappings and not at all in export mappings. Type of element '': This sequence element is nested and optional. This is only partially supported in import mappings and not at all in export mappings. Why does Mendix not support this?
1 answers

A nested, optional subsequence is not straight-forward mapable to entities and lists of entities as currently lists can contain only one type of entity. To workaround this we would need to create a rather complex construct in the mapping and also increase complexity in the modeler UI. Considering that optional nested sequences are not that often used (at least, we don't hear this requirement that often), this is not high on our priority list.

Currently the alternative is to transform the xml into something that is mapable, e.g. by using an ESB and XSLT, create a custom java action. In the future you will be able to return the full response xml as a string from a webservice call, and then you build some custom logic in a microflow for dealing with unsupported constructs in xml.

Summary: it's a lot of work, it's not much used, and workarounds are available.
