Blank login page

Hi, I have upgraded my project from 5.21.4 to 6.5.1. I have updated following widgets as per the upgrade plan: HTMLSnippet Rich Text Viewer Format String Url Redirection Login Form I have deleted all the old mpk of these widgets and added new i.e updated versions. When I restart the business modeler and hit http://localhost:8080/ blank page is displayed. When I debug using dev tools of chrome , in console i got the following exception: mxui.js?636004617591006826:21 TypeError: Cannot read property 'insertCss' of undefined(…) Please let me know can this be solved.
2 answers

In the documentation of the Rich Text Suite (Github) we state that this widget is no longer maintained and will probably not work in Mendix 6. We recommend you use the CKEditor, this also has a viewer. The other widgets should work fine in MX6


Note that an outdated Calendar widget will generate the same issue (encountered it while upgrading to 6.7.1). Updating the widget to the latest version will resolve the issue.
