Changes on Stylesheet do not reflect

Changes made in Sass file does not reflect on deployment of my application. It seems like it jumps back to the default option when each time I try to edit it. And I am running Koala to check if the Sass files are recompiled before I zip the file again, and there is no error during compilation of the Sass files. So I have tried researching the problem on the mendix developer forum and I find someone with a similar problem but their solution did not work for me. I don't even have an error to show. So for some reason this is just not working. Can someone assist me please? Maybe there is something I have not tried?
3 answers

Hi Gert,

Please can you make sure that the input and output folders for compilation are selected correctly in the compiler (Koala). If this is correct then check if you have another CSS file within your theme folder that is getting changed instead of the one you are using in you index.css (sometimes if you have more then one custom.css file then this issue occurs as I had this issue once).

Please can you read this blog which may help you in understanding SASS.

You can read this HOW TO which can help you in setting up SCOUT.

You can read this HOW TO which can help you in setting up KOALA.

If you still have issue then you can send me the project on and I will try to have a look if I get some time.

Hope this helps!


Hey Mohammed, thank you for your interest in this problem.

I have taken your suggestion into account, and I have checked accordingly, and still no luck in solving this issue. Is there a away I can send you my project so that you can have a look. I am guessing I am having problems because I am relatively new to Sass and its compilers.


Like Mohammed said, without an example I cannot say much. You can create an example recreating the problem and package the file and post it on wetransfer. Copy the link into your comment.

However, you can also try to review your styling again: For example, if you style a table, make sure there is no other item overruling the styling you have set to that table. It is possible that you set a table to a certain color, but that a "label", "tr" or "selected" etc. overrules the stylling you applied? It is also possible, some item has written "!important" behind it, which makes sure it is always been used. You can also write "!important" behind the styling rule, but do not use that too much. Otherwise everything tries to overrule everything. Another tric can be (I do not know whether you have tried it already) is to press F12 when your project is (locally) running. You can adjust styling there. It however will not remember it next time, so if it works out like you want it to be, make sure you code your styling again in the sass files.

Hope it works soon!
