Fusioncharts ganttchart layout

I'm trying to use the Ganttcharts but I'm having an issue with the layout. The size of the chart will influence the size of the categoryset column of the chart proportionally to the charts' total width. The relation between the column displaying the categories and the columns displaying the gantt tasks is always 35% : 65%. This means when using a larger size for the chart that the categories column is taking up a large portion on the screen, which is unnecessary as this will not display more information. The part that I want to increase is the part displaying the tasks. Is there a way to set the size of the categories column for the gantt chart, or am I missing something (some option set wrong perhaps?). Any help would be greatly appriciated.
3 answers

Hi Erwin, the mendix widget is a wrapper around the fusioncharts 'free' application. For the functionality and features of the various parameters for these components it's best to search the documentation at http://www.fusioncharts.com/free/docs/

  • Chart xml reference -> Gantt Charts -> XML reference

I ve got the same issue there are one missing attribute on the XML Parse Process

Please append the return value of "ParseGanttPropertiesToXML" Microflow with "+ $ganttWidthPercent" This will solve the problem



Thanks for the update. We already fixed this issue and found that in the other type charts some of the return options are missing from the microflow that parses the chart as well. We've added the chart options according to the options available from the fusioncharts free version documentation.
