Scenario: Application contains a page with a datagrid Application contains a popup with a datagrid on the left side and a dataview on the right side In the popup: dataview (right) listens to datagrid (left) Popup can be opened bij selecting a record in the datagrid on the page (1). The same record should be selected in the datagrid in the popup (2) as was selected in the datagrid on the page (1). This should cause the dataview on the right side of the popup to display the data of the record that was automatically selected in the datagrid on the left side of the popup. Questions: If I try to open a popup containing a datagrid and dataview by selecting a record from a datagrid on a page, I get an error: "Form may only contain a single dataview, because the form location is displayed as a popup". I do not know how I can automatically select a record from a datagrid (by passing the record from the datagrid (1) on the page to the datagrid on the popup (2)).
Tijl Oomens
1 answers
The answer to question 1 is that the system does not allow opening a form in popup mode that contains anything else then a single data view. When you open the form with the split screen in content this issue will not arise.
When opening this screen in content from the overview screen the selected record will be displayed in the dataview, but I'm not aware of any function that will allow for automatically selecting a row in the datagrid. The row seems to be selected as the dataview listens to the grid and is diplaying the correct record, the selection itself is however not visible in the grid.