Internet Explorer 8 HTTPS security warning

One of our customers has their Mendix application deployed in an HTTPS:// environment. Loading the main page in Internet Explorer 8 gives a security warning, saying that "the webpage has content that is not transmitted through a secure HTTPS connection". However, it is unapparent what this content is. There are no (non-https) links to external websites. This is quite an issue for us, as although the warning has no effect on the running of the application, it is, of course, not something you want to concern your customers with. In fact, this also happens on the Mendix website at times. For example, at the 'Getting Started' page, after logging in, I get the same warning. See: It only seems to happen in Internet Explorer 8. Any ideas as to what causes this? Perhaps a widget, or some java action?
2 answers

The best way to track those errors is to open the page in Firefox + firebug, open the Net pane and check whether any non https thing is loaded. The source of an application does not tell you that, since most stuff is loaded dynamically on the fly.


With me it happens a lot of times. With every forum message that I open this happens. I think this has something to do with some graphics that are loaded and are not from a secure connection. The Mendix website has off course portions that can be viewed by everybody and are also visible in the restricted section (see the difference of the page when selecting yes or no after this question, then at least you know where your problem could be). I think there lies the problem. But alas I have no solution how to prevent this.

