How to retrieve the next record in a datagrid

I have a datagrid with records as the workload for a user. After processing the first record I want after the save of this record to automatically open the next record. But how do I retrieve the next record of this first datagrid? Regards, Ronald
3 answers

Sort the objects you show in a datagrid so that you have controll over the order in which they appear. The easyest way would ve by using an auto number.

After saving your object, a microflow could do a retrieve by database. Retrieve the first object. Set your xpath so that the retrieved object needs to be greater than the current one (in whatever your sort criteria is) and add a sorting to this retrieve (same criteria as on the grid). This retrieve should return the next object.


Have a microflow retrieve first object on the same entity, using the same sorting of your datagrid where 'newobject/value > currentobject/value'.


Can you explain this further?
