ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object

when I start the server and after synchronizing database ,It shows me the following error Error on executing: CREATE SEQUENCE "PRODUCTIONBAT1708593747MXSEQ" MINVALUE 2 ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object (SQL State: 42000, Error Code: 955) which means that this sequence is already Existing , so I deleted It from the oracle database but when I start the server it create it twice and show me the same error , so I think it is related to the repository SQL database . I don't know when the modeler create that sequence to know what is the source of the problem?
2 answers

Maybe you have two AutoNumber attributes which names started with something like 'productionbat...'. You probably know from which entity/entities they are. Maybe the problem is the sequence name algorithm Mendix uses. Because Oracle supports names with a maximum length of 30, the name of a sequence consists of (a shorten part of) the attribute name (in this case: PRODUCTIONBAT), the hash value of the attribute name, some underscore characters and the text 'MXSEQ'. In some cases, the hash value is not unique for different strings. Can you try to rename one of both AutoNumber attributes (change at least one character of the name) and try to synchronize again?

When the error still occurs, please report this error with a test project via the Mendix Support Portal.


hi Jonathan, I have an entity called ProductionBatchCRM which has a relation (ProductionBatchCRMOutput_FoodItemCRMOuput) with an entity called FoodItemCRMOuput and at same time I have another entity in another module called ProductionBatch , I made 2 changes

  • 1st changed the name of ProductionBatchCRM to CRMProductionBatch because I doubt that mendix use the 1st part of the entity to name the sequence. and 2nd I changed the relation to (CRMProductionBatch_FoodItemCRMOuput)
  • then I made restart to the server and everything went well ,I don't know exactly what was the problem ,but now everything is fine.