You make your string in a microflow. I imaging your first iteration does:
string x = "first line"
What you have to do for the second line is
x = x + "
second line"
Note(!) the line-break in my second statement. HTML / HTML entities e.t.c. is not supported yet, you have to make a real line break in your variable change action.
N.b.: There is already a feature request in our Partner Portal for a HTML widget in document templates.
Nothing works! newline, etc!
'%0A' don't work either!
Hi bro,
It’s good!
I had the same problem when building an email message for an external link with HTML mailto:...
Use 'First line' + '%0A' + 'Second line'. This should work.
<br/> works!
for people trying to format email, from a Text area.
replaceAll($YourStringVariable , '
', '<br>')
I am not so sure about the Text area, but in place such as Tooltip text, I would just put it into a parameters, where I can then put an empty line (not empty string). See example below:
we can simply use
‘ First Line ‘ + ‘</br>’ + ‘Second Line ‘ + ‘</br>’ + …..
</br> for next line