Java compile error after including Crop Image module

hi guys, After including the crop image module I got some java errors. Cleaning deployment and updating rest services modules did not help. Main problem has to do with the crop image module I think. Anyone an idea? Buildfile: C:\Users\SK\Documents\Mendix\Salonlar-main\deployment\build_core.xml compile: [javac] Compiling 433 source files to C:\Users\SK\Documents\Mendix\Salonlar-main\deployment\run\bin [javac] C:\Users\SK\Documents\Mendix\Salonlar-main\javasource\restservices\publish\ warning: '_' used as an identifier [javac] String _) { [javac] ^ [javac] (use of '_' as an identifier might not be supported in releases after Java SE 8) [javac] C:\Users\SK\Documents\Mendix\Salonlar-main\javasource\imagecrop\actions\ error: cannot find symbol [javac] is = Core.getImage(getContext(), this.UploadedImage, false); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: variable UploadedImage [javac] C:\Users\SK\Documents\Mendix\Salonlar-main\javasource\imagecrop\actions\ error: cannot find symbol [javac] this.UploadedImage.setValue(getContext(), CropImage.MemberNames.crop_width.toString(), img.getWidth() ); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: variable UploadedImage [javac] C:\Users\SK\Documents\Mendix\Salonlar-main\javasource\imagecrop\actions\ error: cannot find symbol [javac] this.UploadedImage.setValue(getContext(), CropImage.MemberNames.crop_height.toString(), img.getHeight() ); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: variable UploadedImage [javac] C:\Users\SK\Documents\Mendix\Salonlar-main\javasource\imagecrop\actions\ error: cannot find symbol [javac] this.UploadedImage.setValue(getContext(), CropImage.MemberNames.crop_x2.toString(), img.getWidth() ); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: variable UploadedImage [javac] C:\Users\SK\Documents\Mendix\Salonlar-main\javasource\imagecrop\actions\ error: cannot find symbol [javac] this.UploadedImage.setValue(getContext(), CropImage.MemberNames.crop_y2.toString(), img.getHeight() ); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: variable UploadedImage [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. [javac] Note: C:\Users\SK\Documents\Mendix\Salonlar-main\javasource\com\mendix\core\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [javac] 5 errors [javac] 1 warning BUILD FAILED C:\Users\SK\Documents\Mendix\Salonlar-main\deployment\build_core.xml:27: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
1 answers

Hi Rapido, it seems you might be using the wrong Java version, could you try updating your installed JDK? Also try to deploy for Eclipse and open the project in Eclipse, any Java errors in the code should become visible that way.
