Login microflow and home button

The home-page of my application can be opened by loggin in or by clicking the home-butten (after logging in). A microflow is used to open the home-page (navigation options). I would like to run a different microflow after loging in then the microflow that is used when I press the home-button. Is it possible to make this distinction? How do I implement this?
2 answers

This is currently not possible. The home form or microflow is used both when a user logs in and when a user presses the Home button.

You might be able to use Java to attach some sort of handler to the LoginAction that is triggered when a user logs in. I cannot help you with the specifics though.

If you require this behavior for your project, I suggest filing a feature request.


How about hiding the home button with CSS and adding a Home menu item with a different Microflow?
