Email Template

Hi, I am working on a project where I need to send an email template to parent email after clicking a button .The selected record has a parent email column which is association with another entity whose path is given below SAS.KidAllergyMed_Kid/SAS.Kid/SAS.Kid_Parent/SAS.Parent/SAS.Parent.Email The problem is unable to retrieve the parent email to the "To" address of the Email Template
1 answers

You'll need to post a screenshot to clarify the issue.

You should enable debugging on the microflow that retrieves the parent's e-mail address. See whether the parent entity is present, and if the e-mail address exists.

If it does exist but does not show up, you might have an issue with the access rules. But also check the mendix tutorial videos. Your remark that "The selected record has a parent email column which is association with another entity" gives the impression that something might be designed under a wrong assumption.
