Validation feedback on empty object in datagrid

Hello everyone, For the validation microflow of my Order screen I want to validate if the Order has at least one Orderline added. When the Order has no Orderlines added I would like a validation feedback on the page somewhere close to or on the data grid but it seems like this is not possible. Does anyone have a solution for this or are a pop up message or a validation feedback on an attribute of the Order itself the only options? Thanks in advance.
2 answers

Hello Chris,

I would personally just use the popup. However in theory you could create a validation message yourself in a div, hide the div based on a validation trigger boolean, and change that boolean in your validation microflow.

By build it yourself I mean adding a validation message into the DOM via html/javascript/jquery using the html snippet. If using javascript or jquery you'd just have to find a way to trigger it when the div is visible, otherwise you might not be able to find the div - using HTML would be a lot simpler


you can do this also with a non-popup-notification:
