I switched to 2.5.3 to avoid issues with the theming and to profit from the fixes and changes. In development I have zero problems with the theming, but the custom theme refuses to deploy to the linux/cloud environment. I checked the files on the cloudside and they seem to be all there (where I would expect them to be, based on what I see in development) But the application wont budge from using the default themes... help ~~?? 9.2 It deploys localy and looks fine, this morning it ALSO looked fine on the productionserver---- even though I did not do anything.....
Lex van Rooy (Gmail)
2 answers
The only difference with local and cloud deployments is the case sensitivity of filenames. (And you should always use relative filenames). Both problems can easily detected by using the NET tab of firebug, files which cannot be found show up in red.
Michel Weststrate
Are you sure the theme you're using is correct? What happens if you deploy locally with the SAME theme?