conditional dropdowns from database

Hi everyone, I'm trying to add conditional dropdowns to a form: User selects an employee and clicks 'Training Course Attendance'. A new form opens which displays first and last name and a nested view, containing a training course view. I want that view to basically consist of three dropdowns: - Training Course Provider (a list of all Trasining Course Providers from database) - Course (a list of all courses that provider offers, based on selection 1) - Date (the course date based on selection 2, possibly various dates for 1 course) Right now I can't even get a dropdown to show a list of all providers working, nevermind steps 2 and 3. Any help is greatly appreciated. Regards
1 answers

You are trying to create a way for an employee to enroll in a training course right?

You're probably better off replacing the nested data view with a data grid showing all the training courses the employee is enrolled in. An entity 'enrollments' if you will.

You can then add new enrollments for the employee by a new/edit form where you a.) select a training course provider b.) select a course (constrained on a) c.) select a date (constrained on b)
