All widgets fail to build with Mendix 6.6.0

I have just used the Mendix 6.6.0 version and I want to make an unversioned packaged to test if my project will work correctly. However, I get the error that the widgets fail to build. When I run the check which widgets failed to build, I get a list of all my widgets. these widgets are all 6.5.0 compatible so it looks like a very bad bug. Does anyone else have the same problem. Created a support ticket [466495]
4 answers

There might be something wrong with folder rights, I have seen similar behaviour with the MX 6.x versions. What happens when you close the Modeler, delete your deployment directory, start the Modeler again and run "Check widgets"?


Hi Ralph,

I just tested this by upgrading my project from 6.5.1. to 6.6.0.
Running / checking widgets / creating an unversioned package all work correctly.

So there seems to be something different going wrong..


Hi Ralph,

would you mind submitting a ticket with your project? I've converted a few projects just now, trying to reproduce your problem but have been unable to do so. Please be sure to mention this topic in your ticket as well.



I also went from 6.5.1. I have just deleted all the widgets and added the SprintrFeedbackWidget fresh from the appstore. When I then run the widget checker it stil complains that the widget is not compatible.
