Creating a complex PDF

Mendix has built in functionality to export to PDF. The functionality offered is not sufficient for the PDFs I need to create for a project I'm going to do. I need to create reports with dynamically generated charts (bar chart, pie chart, quadrant chart). This doesn't seem to be possible using the regular export to PDF. It can be done in Mendix using either chart module, but exporting that to PDF isn't possible. The only option I currently see is to use an external PDF Java library (either free or commercial) and try to bind it in Mendix. Could anyone think of a better idea? Or maybe I overlooked a module in the appstore?
4 answers

There is one module from Apronto that might suffice: But this is a paid module.




I'm having the same problems as well. I did request improved reporting in the Q2 Suggestions thread. I've head that Jasper Reports is another option but I've yet to try it.


We integrate with Docmosis; We had a look at Aspose too but it does not support our needs. I do not think that you "dynamically" can create charts; you have to generate the charts as images first and then add them to the document.

If charting is of high importance then look at BI kind of tools like JasperReports and Qlik Sense.


We have developed a module called JFree Charts and we are in the process of submitting it to the app store. This module allows you to visualize the data in your application by generating various single series and mutli-series charts, i.e., bar charts, line charts, and ring charts. It also provides you with the ability to view the charts in pdf form as well as the data. We will let you know as soon as it is released in the app store.
