Correct usage of namespaces in importXmlStream

A custom requesthandler is published to allow soap-request without association tags. The requesthandler was working in Mx5.21, but since Mx6.1 the importXmlStream function is not working correctly anymore because is does not map the entire request to the domain model, only the first element in the request. The requesthandler does not work when: Not working situation 1: There is a namespace on the first element and when debugging, I can trace the following paths on the XmlImport node: http://namespace:firstelement http://namespace:firstelement|xmlns:ns http://namespace:firstelement|secondelement When debugging, I can see the firstelement record, not the secondelement record, the secondelement is not mapped to the domain model. The path to the second elements looks invalid because this namespace is missing. Not working situation 2: There is a namespace on the first element and because of elementFormDefault in the XSD, there is a namespace on the secondelement. Path traced: http://namespace:firstelement http://namespace:firstelement|xmlns:ns http://namespace:firstelement|http://namespace:|secondelement Like situation 1: there is not second element record. The path to the second elements looks curious to me. Working situation 3: There is a namespace on firstelement and an alternative namespace on secondelement. Found this by coincidence, when firstelement.namespace <> secondelement.namespace it seems to work. However, in that case I have to rebuild my XSD, WSDL and I have to communicatie this with the external parties, and this is actually not an option. I am aware that this question is pretty particular but I hope there is someone who can help me out how to use namespaces in the importXmlStream.
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