Choose as type: HSQL Database Engine Standalone
Use as URL: jdbc:hsqldb:file:project_location\deployment\data\database\hsqldb\database_name\database_name
Leave the user name SA and leave the password field empty.
Please note that the url ends with <name of your database>\<name of your database>
For a new project, the database name is 'development'. In that case, a valid url can be:
Or you just go in the modeler to the console part > advanced button > 'start built-in database viewer' :)
Ok - here is the question:
How can one use the HSQL DB manager to connect to a Mendix Dev database, if mendix does not want to start? This works:
C:\Program Files\Mendix\2.5.3\runtime>java -cp ./lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManagerSwing
But then what is the connection string?