Pages used for selecting objects cannot be opened in content?

Migrated from 5.20 to 6.5. Solved everything (including 2000 help-text-widgets that had to be replaced :-). Now I have two errors left 'pages used for selecting objects cannot be opened in content'. They occur in the basic Mx Administration module on the two basic buttons for adding UserRoles to Users on the Account_Edit form. (popuplayout) Nothing changed there. How come and what to do?
2 answers

Pages used for selecting objects have to be based on a pop-up layout. Check the 'Layout type' property of the layout of the 'Account_Edit' page. It should be 'Modal pop-up' or 'Pop-up'. Perhaps it is 'Legacy' in which case the thing that opens the page (here the button) determines how the page is opened. The best solution is to move away from 'Legacy' layouts.

For more information see the article Layouts have types.


Ok thanks solved!
