404 - file not found for file: mxclientsystem/SimpleChart/widget/SimpleChart.js

Hi, I used the simple chart widget but decided to delete the chart as I didn't like it. Ever since I removed the chart from my page it won't run correctly locally (page is blank white) and displays the below error in the console log. I did notice the reviews on the app store of this widget described it as glitchy. 404 - file not found for file: mxclientsystem/SimpleChart/widget/SimpleChart.js Christina
2 answers

Hello Christina,

You can try to remove the charts widget from your widgets folder, if you're not using it anywhere else. That should solve your problem. If you still need it on another page, you could attempt to update the widget, or simply remove it and add it again.


Dragos is correct, remove the widget from the widget folder. If there is still an error, please clear your browser cache, remove the deployment folder and redeploy. This issue sounds like a caching problem
