Mendix installation: Could not find lib folder

I have followed the installation instructions and installed Mendix on a windowsserver. When starting the mendix via the Console I get the error "Could not find a part of the path "E:\Software\Mendix\Acceptance\Mendix\server\lib". This folder is indeed empty, because I have added the "model"-folder (that contains the "lib" folder) and "web"-folder to the "Application" folder" The server folder is empty, because I could not find what to put in that folder according the instructions.
1 answers

Have you looked at this document Prerequisites Specifically this bit:

Go to the installation folder of the Modeler. Mostly this is the location C:\Program Files\Mendix\2.5. Copy the subfolders 'runtime' and 'server' to the Mendix folder that you have created above.
